UMID® fog system for disinfection
VDL offers a fixed fogging system that, because of its unique properties, is very suitable for effective disinfecting of production rooms and production processes. By using liquid agents, our system can be used for a space treatment against insects, germ inhibition and fungi. Fogging disinfection is effective at surfaces that may come into direct contact with your product. If these surfaces are contaminated with microorganisms, they will also come into direct contact with your product. Other areas can be hard to reach like the underside surfaces. They potentially have a biofilm in which bacteria can form and create a biotope. This will form a threat to your food-safety. The process of disinfection can be done very quickly and efficiently.The disinfectant chemicals are added to the water supply.
- Facilities where food is prepared such as meat, cheese, fish, dairy
- Agricultural facilities such as mushroom
- Process facilities
UMID® fog systems for disinfection:
- Unique patented UMID nozzle for precise dosing
- Reaches all areas including underside surfaces
- Low energy consumption
- Minimal water usage
- Homogeneous droplets
- No wetting

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